The Orientalsucceeded this heritage by utilising the artistic forge of ancient gold to create jewellery with delicate matte surface, paying tribute to Chinese tradition and mastery, as well as exuding an air of Oriental charm. More |
The LegendExtending our horizon to histories and cultural legends around the world, we designed exquisite treasures that are dazzling and sophisticated. More |
Certain styles are engraved with exclusive "bamboo" and "bat" imprints, signifying abundant blessings in Chinese folklore. |
Daily BlissPerfect for everyday wear, our dedicate gold jewellery transforms blessings into each versatile, minimalist look. More |
The Eight MascotsAlso known as 'the eight auspicious symbols'. Consisting of eight symbols that are representative of auspiciousness, harmony and fulfillment More |
Om Mani Padme HumThese fashionable accessories bear a Mahayana Buddhist mantra that is believed to purify the mind and lead to enlightenment. More |
BlossomEvery flower has its own unique charm. Whether it be elegant or intricate, breathtaking or pure, each expressive bloom also carries its unique meaning. The Blossom Collection features graceful, contemporary floral designs that let you beautifully express yourself. More |
Fate with BuddhaDifferent Buddhas and Bodhisattvas represent different wishes and hopes. This collection of gold jewellery symbolises the spiritual connection with the Buddha and brings boundless fortunes to you every day. More |